Students who are registered as UVU students must take this test for English placement. The first time the test is taken, it is free. A $10.00 charge will be assessed for each section at least one day between testing, but may take the test up to 3 times within 2 weeks.)
The test is given in the UVU testing center located at 1165 West 800 South, Orem - just west of UCAS.
Please see the testing center website for testing times. Student’s scores will determine placement. Students must take with them a photo i.d. and UVID number to take any test at the testing center. Please request test results and bring them to your UCAS counselor for our records and evaluations.
The ACCUPLACER Assessment is used to make course placements in reading, writing, and mathematics. Placement decisions are based on your skills as demonstrated on the tests. Because the results are used to advise and place students registering for courses, you should do as well as you can on the tests.