
UCAS is always accepting resumes! 

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Hiring Practices for Full & Part-time Employees

Employment Opportunities Policy

It is the policy of the Utah County Academy of Sciences, not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, national origin, religious creed, or disability in its educational programs, activities, admissions, access, treatment, or employment practices.

When job openings have been approved, the Principal or his designer will advertise for applicants through Job Service and through local newspapers. All job applicants for classified positions may be screened by Job Service. Applicants having met all predetermined requirements will then be recommended for further interviews. Each new hire will be informed that their employment is conditional until approved by the Board of Trustees. It shall be the policy of the Utah County Academy of Sciences to comply with Utah State Code (U.C.A. 52-3-1) as it relates to employment of relatives. It will be permissible to hire any relative of any employee as long as that employee will not be supervised by a relative. Exceptions to the above code will be allowed if they are exceptions noted in the above referenced code.

Tenure is not granted to UCAS employees.

All UCAS employees are “at-will”. The existence of a salary agreement does not create any expectation of continued employment.

Employee Hiring Practices

The Board of Trustees has the legal responsibility of approving the employment of all employees. The Board assigns to the Principal the process of recruiting and hiring staff members. In carrying out this responsibility, the Principal will involve other staff members as needed. All personnel selected for employment must be recommended by the Principal and approved by the Board.

  1. There will be no discrimination in the hiring process due to sex, creed, race, color, national origin, age, or disability.
  2. Candidates for teaching positions must provide evidence of meeting the state requirements for regular certification status and must be able to meet the definition of “highly qualified”. Utah Valley University instructors teaching at UCAS or teaching UVU classes to UCAS students on campus will be determined qualified by Utah Valley University and not UCAS.
  3. Should the Board not approve the employment of a candidate being recommended by the Principal, it shall be the duty of the Principal to make other recommendations.
  4. Teachers who have previous teaching experience will be given credit for all previous years to a maximum of seven (7) years providing there is a written letter of positive recommendation from their most recent educational employer. Teachers who have retired from the Utah State Retirement System will be given a maximum of seven (7) years experience on the salary schedule unless, at the discretion of the UCAS Board of Trustees, an exception is granted for special circumstances, including, but not limited to, critical needs, expertise, and licensure.

The Board of Trustees retains the right to make any waiver of this procedure which it finds necessary or desirable for the effective operation of the School.

We are an equal opportunity employer committed to providing career opportunities for all people, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

Partnered with the Utah Valley University