Staff Portal

Tech Support

To contact UCAS tech support, submit a help ticket through the Onward Technology Support Portal:

You may also email:

Brent Clark- 
Jenette Hougaard -
Or contact UVU Tech Support

How to:

Start by clicking on the Educator Licensing Online link and start the background check process. Wait for the approval (you should get an email from the State asking you to go and have your fingerprints taken). There was talk that they might have figured out how to save your fingerprints, but I am not holding my breath that this has happened yet because the State moves very slowly. Once you get the approval, you can go to the Provo District office and have your fingerprinting done.  

Educator Licensing Online

Suicide Prevention Training You need a total of two hours of training. The above link counts as one hour.

The Jason Foundation has several modules that you can do to fulfill the additional requirement. Ethics Review Utah Student Data Privacy Teacher Course Renewal Categories Renewal Form--fill this out, have your administrator sign it, then keep it in your file. Do not mail it to the state.  
Instructions from the state:

  1. Earn and document Professional Learning Points based on license level:
  2. Complete an appropriate Renewal Form
    -Level 1 itemize a minimum of 100 points
    -Level 2/3 itemize a minimum of 200 points
  3. Complete two hours of Youth Suicide Prevention Training within the license cycle through an educator's employing Local Education Agency (LEA)
    Complete the  Utah Student Data Privacy Teacher Course(External Web Content). This Canvas online course may take approximately one hour to complete.
  4. Have a cleared Utah State Board of Education Background Fingerprint Check; go to Educator Licensing Online to begin
  5. Complete a Utah State Board of Education Ethics Review online at Educator Licensing Online
  6. Meet with a Licensed Administrator for signatures and approval of the renewal form
Partnered with the Utah Valley University