
Gayla Amosa

Gayla Amosa

Career and Major Explorations Room 10

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A., Design/Art, California State University Dominguez Hills
Secondary Education Credential, Brigham Young University Hawaii
M.S., Education Counseling, University of Phoenix

Aloha! I am from the North Shore of Oahu, in Hawaii.  I taught Art, Design and English at Kahuku High and Intermediate in Hawaii for twelve years and was a Counselor for the last ten years there. After leaving Hawaii eleven years ago, my family and I moved here to Utah. I became the Coordinator of Faculty & Student Services for the ESL Department at UVU and was there for 10 years. I have 5 kids, all adults now, and 5 grandkids. Inspiring and empowering my students to dream big and achieve their goals has been so rewarding. That is why I love teaching. I also love traveling, reading, writing, photography, sewing, and crafting in my spare time. My family is my passion and spending time with them and close friends is my favorite thing to do. I am looking forward to making UCAS my new home and I hope that I can share a little bit of Aloha with all who enter these halls.

How To Be Successful in My Class

Back To School Night Video

Partnered with the Utah Valley University