
Brett Childress

Brett Childress

CE Leadership 1 (7 Habits)
Room 209

Degrees & Certifications: 

B.F.A. Art Teaching, University of Utah
M.Ed. Education, Culture, and Society, University of Utah

Mr. Childress is a proud dad, husband, and teacher of CE Leadership I (SLSS 1200: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People). A 'Utah Man' through and through, and a class of 2002 Spanish Fork Don, he finally made the difficult but extremely rewarding change from red to green to join UCAS in the fall of 2022.

Mr. Childress' personal leadership experience comes in large part from his 4 years of active duty service in the U.S. Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007.  As an aviation ordnance technician for AV-8B Harrier II aircraft, Mr. Childress was deployed on two occasions to Iraq, as well as a humanitarian assistance effort in Indonesia following a deadly tsunami. As a Corporal, he was responsible for making sure the youngest Marines were able to adapt and thrive in a demanding environment. It was there that he learned a lifelong love of mentoring, leading to the choice to become an educator.

When Mr. Childress applied to the University of Utah, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was, oddly enough, NOT offered as a teaching major. So he selected another of his passions, visual art. Mr. Childress taught and chaired art for 7 years at the Jr. High level before discovering the opportunity to come to UCAS. He loves the chance to talk about life and leadership every day with the movers and shakers of tomorrow.

Partnered with the Utah Valley University